Tuesday, October 14, 2008


so last night i had to go fix my flat tire because it was getting crazy filling it up with air all the time. So i went to PEP BOYS, and i was flirting with the guys over there and they ended up fixing my tire for free, which was great cuz i am broke anyways. But we do get payed tonight at midnight which is great!!!!!. SO after that i went to meet Alin and Aleksandra @ Starbucks which is always fun when there is all three of us there. So i stayed there for a sec and then i just went home washed some laundry and took a shower watched TV and went to bed. ohh and i cant forget the fact that i talked to Suley he always makes me laugh :) so the only thing i am looking forward to us tonight is 90210 and privileged yay and the party on Saturday :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Till my 20th BDAY

Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker


I've Realized
So I have come to the conclusion that all people are just completely full of shit. Everyone is just so fucking fake and fucking lie to your face. One minute someone likes you, the next minute they don't. It confuses the shit out of me. I'm just tired of dealing with stupid bullshit. I'm tired of fucking being nice to people, and get treated like shit in return. I hate being taken advantage of, and used. Why do people have to make things harder than they already are? Just be honest with me. I will find out the truth, I always do. I no longer give a fuck about anything or anyone. I realized what I must become now, a fucking asshole that treats others like shit, and doesn't give a shit about anyone else. Maybe I have always really been this way deep down. I just don't think I have ever showed it. But here it is....GO FUCK YOURSELF! That's all for today.

So i just wanted to comment on this blog.So this guy wrote a blog which i guess would be directed to me. I really haven't had time since today and i just wanted to tell you a little abt this guy i mean he is such a great guy i was dating him for like a week but i just didn't really want to be with anyone so that is what i told him. So i asked if we can be friends and he was kinda mad because i guess he wanted to be with me, but in a seriousness me and him were dating in a week how attached can you possibly get in a week i just don't understand. So i told him that i would hang out with him but i could not because i had an emergency that came up, so i guess he didn't understand that. SO those couple of weeks i really didn't want to talk to anyone so he sent me a mean text msg. but anyways w/e. Now coming to the blog he wrote first of all come on dude u think you can be a asshole i dont think so you know why its not in your genes . And you are talking abt how you are being used come on nobody was using you for anything you made the mistake of doing that, and i do remember thanking you for taking me out to dinner which really it was like 5 dates the guy is suppose to pay anyways. I mean just cuz i don't want to be with you or anyone does not mean you have to go crazy and try to make a big deal out of nothing. I mean you should have just moved on and i really wanted to be your friend but when i read this blog who would want to hang out with you. Okay well i just wanted to share how i felt just remember you wont get anywhere in life even if you are an ass whole. :)


okay so i love photography, its so interesting so this blog is all abt pictures. Most of these pic are illusion but they are so cool. and then all the funny cats and dogs i love it. So check them out and tell me what you think!!!!!







Omg so this weekend was crazy i swear i had so much fun, i don't think i had as much fun as i did this weekend. Well Friday i went to the movies with Zorana, Aleksandra, Vujo, and Evert, we watched Eagle Eye which was an amazing movie i sware i had my eyes glued to the tv screen. hehe. So after that i went to aleksandras house and i slept over there. On Saturday Zorana's mom woke me and zorana up at like 9 a.m to drink coffee with her. Then we were waiting for Aleksandra to come home. so when she did, we started eating and talking. That night we got ready to go to Vujos house because he was celebrating his Bday. SO we were there for a sec, not long. We left and went to Athens to meet Zoranas love interested Steffan( great guy) so in that house he had his roommates over which were really cool i sware great guys. so Sulee i think that's how you spell his name is like me same pearsonalitty like me which is great. so we started drinking and we were just having so much fun i was laughing so hard it was crazy. So me and Sulee connected on a great level i know if me and him or in a room we will have fun hehheeeh don't think nothing bad!!!!!!!!! okay well that's all for today i will keep you updated on what else is going on ohh and i will post some pic of me and my best friends these girls are the ones that i consider true friends and they will never let me down. okay ttyl ppl.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Which Path To Choose

Well it has been a while since i have really sat down and tried to get to know me. Lately i feel like i have been flowing others and having them tell me what do where to go, and i am just getting tired of that. I have began to stand up for what i believe in and for what i want to do and it feels good for a change. This last two weeks have not been so easy i mean i had to re consider who were my true friends, my work has not been going the way i want it to be going, but at the end i learn something from each hard time that i face. Well till next time Take care and have a good day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Friends Or Foe

Well last night i went to TandG which is this salsa club that is really good on Wednesday, went cuz my friend Aleksandra(same name as me weird right) she wanted to go. So i had fun i was dancing and i was feeling good. Then at 2 o clock i wanted to go home because i had to move all my old furniture out the next day so i wanted to get enough rest. Guess what my friends they didn't want to go so i was waiting outside for them for an hour then finally i went inside to get them and of course they were still dancing so i was really mad. So i told them either you come now or i am leaving. So Alex came and Natalia didn't want to come so i left her there. i was so mad this is suppose to be my friend and she cant even respect the fact that i have to go home early i mean i should not even have to tell them twice. And this has happened to me before with the same people i always have to wait until they are done. But not anymore i am not going to take that i am sick of this and how i get treated.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baby Nia
Natalia and I

Sarah And Her Friends

Natalia and her Son!

I did this photo of me and my friend Natalia. I edited it in Photoshop here are some that i did.