Monday, October 13, 2008


I've Realized
So I have come to the conclusion that all people are just completely full of shit. Everyone is just so fucking fake and fucking lie to your face. One minute someone likes you, the next minute they don't. It confuses the shit out of me. I'm just tired of dealing with stupid bullshit. I'm tired of fucking being nice to people, and get treated like shit in return. I hate being taken advantage of, and used. Why do people have to make things harder than they already are? Just be honest with me. I will find out the truth, I always do. I no longer give a fuck about anything or anyone. I realized what I must become now, a fucking asshole that treats others like shit, and doesn't give a shit about anyone else. Maybe I have always really been this way deep down. I just don't think I have ever showed it. But here it is....GO FUCK YOURSELF! That's all for today.

So i just wanted to comment on this blog.So this guy wrote a blog which i guess would be directed to me. I really haven't had time since today and i just wanted to tell you a little abt this guy i mean he is such a great guy i was dating him for like a week but i just didn't really want to be with anyone so that is what i told him. So i asked if we can be friends and he was kinda mad because i guess he wanted to be with me, but in a seriousness me and him were dating in a week how attached can you possibly get in a week i just don't understand. So i told him that i would hang out with him but i could not because i had an emergency that came up, so i guess he didn't understand that. SO those couple of weeks i really didn't want to talk to anyone so he sent me a mean text msg. but anyways w/e. Now coming to the blog he wrote first of all come on dude u think you can be a asshole i dont think so you know why its not in your genes . And you are talking abt how you are being used come on nobody was using you for anything you made the mistake of doing that, and i do remember thanking you for taking me out to dinner which really it was like 5 dates the guy is suppose to pay anyways. I mean just cuz i don't want to be with you or anyone does not mean you have to go crazy and try to make a big deal out of nothing. I mean you should have just moved on and i really wanted to be your friend but when i read this blog who would want to hang out with you. Okay well i just wanted to share how i felt just remember you wont get anywhere in life even if you are an ass whole. :)

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